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HomeSocial Support Services
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Reach out to us to request a service or to volunteer!
Email us at or call us at 510-204-9200


This team, comprised of retired or semi-retired volunteers, provides evaluation and short-term support for members facing health and wellness challenges, family and personal crises, and other age-related issues. Following consultation, if warranted, members are also helped with resource lists (e.g. food delivery and transportation services) as well as referrals to appropriate services outside the Village, including home-care providers and housing transition planning.


Connections Volunteers provide regular friendly visits to members who, for various reasons have become more socially isolated. Enjoy tea and talk, take a walk, watch a movie or play a game. These are just a few of the ways our team members get to meet and interact with our dynamic and interesting village members. So rewarding that volunteers often receive more than they give. Volunteers connect for a few weeks, a few months or on an ongoing basis. Connections visits are tailored to the individual needs of both the member and the volunteer.


Many Ashby Villagers are challenged by a lifetime of accumulated possessions. Specially trained Village “decluttering” volunteers can help members organize, sort and reduce larger projects in the member’s home or garage. The result is greater peace of mind, and a safer and more enjoyable environment.

home safety assessment TEAM

The purpose of each home assessment is to review and note areas where accidents are likely to occur in a member’s home, check for physical hazards, review elements of fire safety, encourage safety awareness and practice, and offer suggestions for improving the safety and usability of such areas of the home, such as the entry, hallways, bath, kitchen and bedroom.