RSVP by emailing or calling the office: 510-204-9200
WHEN: Tuesday, May 9, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
WHERE: House of Ashby Village Member, 77 Domingo Ave., Berkeley
As we age, it seems that we encounter role reversals with our adult children. Prompted by concerns, interest in our welfare, as well as their uncertainties about becoming caretakers, they may miss considering our own interests. Conversely, in our difficulty encountering changes, we are unable to hear them, which sometimes keep us from getting useful perspectives.
An honest conversation with our adult children may result in
a better relationship and effective planning for the future.
- Why is dialogue important?
- How do you approach this conversation?
- How do you arrive at a meeting of the minds?
Please join us for this valuable talk, led by Social Worker,
Ada Burko. Ada has worked with older adults and their families since 1982 and has extensive experience with geriatric social services, including adult day programs, nursing homes, case management, counseling services. Ada directed Older Adult Services for JFCS/E. B., was responsible for the opening of the Center for Older Adult Services; managed older adult service programs at the Jewish Community Center, SF, and more. Currently, she has her private practice in Berkeley.
Invite your adult children!