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A Message from the preferred provider vetting team

Judy Boe and Joann Sullivan began meeting long before Ashby Village started in 2010 so that they could have a list of reliable professional providers available for our members. Some of these might include plumbers, electricians, contractors, etc. Eight years later they are in the process of updating this list and have discovered that some of the original providers have retired or have left the area.


These days, the Preferred Provider Vetting Team accepts applications from providers referred by our members. These providers are interviewed, and their references and applicable licenses are checked.  If the referral is in the legal, financial, or medical fields, they are placed on our Member-to-Member (M2M) list. Vendors recommended through M2M are purely word-of-mouth recommendations from member to member and are not vetted though the team. 

If you have been happy with providers who have done work for you, please invite them to apply to be on our preferred provider list. They can find an provider application form on our website if they go to the professional provider section under the “What We Offer” heading, or let us know and we will invite them. At this time, we could especially use more providers offering PC computer help and garden maintenance.


Thank you for your help!

Judy Boe and Joann Sullivan

Joann Sullivan and Judy Boe
Joann Sullivan and Judy Boe